Thanks to Chris Bell Documentary maker of “Leaf of Faith”. I watched this documentary one month ago since then I was thinking of buying Kratom and giving a try. I did research online and found very positive feedback about Kratom.

One of the struggles in buying Kratom was ‘where to buy’. I am from India and want to buy Kratom from a local Seller. I was not sure If I am going to find any. Later in January 2019, I found an India Kratom seller. I bought 40 gram of Kratom which cost me RS.500 (8USD).

Yesterday was my first time Kratom dosage. Today I took 2 grams Kratom (approximately) just 20 minutes ago. I am writing this blog post in the Kratom effect. I going to share my experience with all of you.

First of all,

What is Kratom

Kratom (also known as Mitragyna speciosa) is evergreen plant natively grown in Southeast Asian countries like Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia etc. In Southeast Asian countries it is used as traditional medicine (just like Ayurveda in India). Indonesian people also use Kraton as a productivity enhancement drink (same as Tea or coffee).

Recently it got popularities in the USA (county of drug addicted people :-)) as pain relief and opioid withdrawal drug.

Taste of Kratom

It tastes like a leaf of Neem (bitter taste) 50% and Tea. Same for the smell. Truly you will not enjoy the taste. Make sure you take with some juice or sugar.

I mixed Kratom and sugar with cold water and created Kratom juice.

My brother asked me “what’s that?”, I said him it is an energy drink.

Where to Buy

Just do a Google Search you will find many Kratom sellers most of them are from the USA, even they say they are from Indonesia. Do your own research there are lots of fake sellers claiming to be an Indonesian seller.

After the popularity of Kratom, the cost is way high (as per my research). You don’t want to pay more than the cost of coffee until you are trying to solve some serious problem.

If you are from India and want to give a try. is a website where I bought Kratom. I am not affiliated and nor a doctor. Do your own research.

Effect of Kratom

Yesterday Kratom dosage was less than 2 grams but Today I increased the dosage to 2 gram. Right now I am feeling like sleepy and my head is flowing. I mean I feel like I am a little drunk.

I read online that Kratom helps with social anxiety. I have no idea about. I choose to be an anti-socialist. I am an introverted person. I also read that Kratom makes you focus on. I don’t know about that either, Am I focused?.

Kratom is magic leaf which helps you with pain, addiction and much more. This is what everyone is talking about. I don’t have any pain, I am not addictive. And, As per my experience, I don’t think Kratom is best for me. I thought it will help me be productive but I feel like sleepy, uh.

The effect is not like I hear in the News. I really have a hard time believing that Kratom is banned in many countries. My experience with Kratom is just like coffee but It tastes like shit.

OK, So I Tried Kratom next I will try Steroid. I will write about in my future blog post. Until then subscribe to my email newsletter and post your comment below.